This month we explore our NATURAL DAILY RHYTHM.
How we can tune into the rhythm of the sun rising & setting.
It benefits our health, our inspiration, our spirituality.
Feeling connected to yourself, nature, and how everything is connected.
As well as enabling us to align & tap into the different energy levels during a 24 hours cycle.
"We know that if our heart stops beating, the flow of our life will stop, and so we cherish our heart very much. Yet we do not often take the time to notice that there are other things, outside of our bodies, that are also essential for our survival. Look at the immense light we call the sun. If it stops shining, the flow of our life will also stop, and so the sun is our second heart, our heart outside of our body. This immense “heart” gives all life on Earth the warmth necessary for existence. Plants live thanks to the sun…… Thanks to plants, we and other animals can live. All of us—people, animals, and plants—“consume” the sun, directly and indirectly. We cannot begin to describe all the effects of the sun, that great heart outside of our body. " - Thich Naht Hanh, The Sun is My Heart (1988)
Each month's theme includes 6 tools: A story, a tool, a meditation, an assignment, a meditation, a yoga Nidra.
Use the Circadian Rhtym Tool to align your daily rhythm of waking up, moving, eating, unwinding and sleeping with nature. Explore your true nature. Check-in with the heart. How does it feel when you do this? Pay attention. Sense. It might feel hard in the beginning to shift, but you will notice there is an ease to go with this flow of the rising & setting sun.
practice within the tribe.
On Thursday 17 of February from 18.00-19.00h CET we host a live gathering, to dive in deep and inspire & empower you, and more importantly to connect with the tribe & exchange learnings on this month's topic.